Facing Goodbye 

a poetry anthology

This collection of poems brings together over 90 international voices, each with their unique take on the multifaceted theme of ´goodbye´, with original illustrations by Scottish artist, Colin Thom.

Curated and edited by Jane Hanson and Mirjam Mahler for The Wee Sparrow Poetry Press.

The front cover features gorgeous artwork by Jane Hanson. The anthology´s beautiful foreword is by Ellen Rowland.

To order a copy, just click the link below for Amazon in your part of the world. If you don´t have access to Amazon, you can order directly from us. Just email theweesparrowpoetrypress@gmail.com


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All proceeds from sales of our anthology are donated to the International Rescue Committee, a charity dedicated to people displaced as result of conflict, persecution and crisis. You can read more about the valuable work they do here.